Pooja and Sanket | The Essential Guide to Hindu Weddings | Engagement Session Orlando

March 31, 2021 castaldostudio@mac.com

Pooja and Sanket | The Essential Guide to Hindu Weddings | Engagement Session Orlando

The Essential Guide to Hindu Weddings: Engagement

So now that you have a bit of an introduction to what Hindu weddings are all about, let’s jump right in with the engagement traditions!

In India (and the world, really) today there are a bunch of different ways two people can go about getting Hindu married.  There’s the classic and often stereotyped arranged marriage in which a groom or bride’s parents choose the suitable suitors for their child.  There’s the sort of half-arranged marriage in which the families of both individuals set up a meeting for the two so they can decide for themselves.

Then there are those modern, new-fangled marriages, affectionately called ‘love matches,’ in which those two crazy kids find each other and resolve to get married in a burst of Bollywood-type courage and romance. These are only some of the most common ways in which people find their own partners fo’ lyfe.  I’m sure there are loads others but I don’t know about them because they haven’t been made into movies yet. But before anyone can get married, they have to get engaged.

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